(And some of their barnyard buds)
Dinky Dirtbike
Dinky Dirtbike was our first donkey on the farm. He is a miniature Mediterranean donkey and he loves nothing more than to be loved on and snuggled. He has the calmest, gentlest presence and is always happy to see you. His favorite snack is apple slices and he loves rolling in fresh shavings. Dinky is 20 years old!
Sourdough was the perfect addition to our farm family and he and Dinky are best buds. He is a "wooly" donkey so he has long hair that needs shaved in the hot summer months. He is ALWAYS getting dirty so he gets groomed and bathed often (which I think he loves as much as he loves getting dirty). He is much more talkative than Dirtbike and is only about 16 years old.
Lenny was the inspiration for us to move out to our own piece of land. He will be 27 this March and was my college jumping horse. He loves ear rubs and chin scratches and adores children. He originally came from Germany as a young horse and was very talented in his youth. He has done show jumping, dressage, been a Colorado trail pony and even pulls a cart, but he loves being retired and relaxing these days.
C-4 is a long term resident of the farm as he not only belongs to my best friend, he is Lenny's best friend and the two are lost without each other. C-4 was a bucking bronco in his younger years and then became a Colorado guide horse, spent some time in California as a beach pony, and came to Missouri for well deserved retirement. His age is estimated to be somewhere around late 20s early 30s but we don't know for sure! He is an absolute goofball and makes us laugh every day.
The Killer Bees
The farm dogs were also a big reason we wanted a piece of land, they needed some room to run! Brewer is the main man and is around 7 years old. He is very protective and always nearby. Bailey is a shepherd/cattle dog, she is around 5. She is a loudmouth but a lover at heart. Lastly we have Bison who was supposed to be a foster but he was so strange we had to keep him. He is 4 and is a border collie mix who will run all day every day. They love going on adventures all over the country with us!
The Girls
These two long haired ladies found their way to us as young kittens and though we weren't looking for any cats, they have been the most fun pair to have around. They hunt mice, snuggle, entertain, and play with the dogs. Their colors happen to almost match the donkeys as well! They are sisters and are almost a year old. The white one is named Kitler and the tabby is Buffalo Soldier, because why not? We mostly call them "Here kit-kitties"